[Call for proposals – FRB-CESAB] Systematic reviews
Two themes: marine biodiversity and agricultural transition
![[Call for proposals – FRB-CESAB] Systematic reviews](https://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/aap-revue-systematique.jpg)
The FRB, through its Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB), is funding 2 projects, including 18 months postdoctoral positions, to carry out systematic reviews, using systematic mapping, critical assessment and narrative synthesis of the corpus of selected texts. Expected outcomes are publications of review articles in international scientific journals.
The project may go as far as either a completed lexicographical analysis or the extraction of statistical data from the corpus and their analysis (meta-analysis).
- Theme 1: State and future of marine biodiversity in a time of global change
- Theme 2, in partnership with Agropolis Fondation: Solutions for agro-ecological transition that conserve biodiversity
The two themes of the call can benefit from multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, integrating approaches from the human and social sciences.
The purpose of this call is to carry out a systematic review, which differs from the other CESAB calls. Systematic review – also called “evidence synthesis” – is an approach to knowledge synthesis. It consist in gathering as much knowledge as possible in response to a structured research question by following rigorous, predefined steps. It makes it possible to take stock of the current state of knowledge on a given theme, but also to highlight gaps in knowledge and the disparity of results and methods, using explicit and reusable criteria. Postdoctoral researchers and PIs can benefit from support from the FRB, in particular on the method of systematic review and data analysis.
- Find here the full description of the call
- All the information on the call and how to apply can be found on Sciencecall: https://frbcesabsr.sciencescall.org
Selected projects:
Two projects were selected by the steering and selection committee.
- Theme 1: InDySem
Influence of ecological dynamics on production and demand for marine ecosystem services. A systematic review for decision-making.
PI : Eric THIEBAUT, Sorbonne University, Paris (France)
- Theme 2: Agri-TE (Agriculture Transition Evidence),
Evidence-based synthesis of the impacts of agro-ecological transition at the global scale to support integrated modelling and decision-making
PI: Damien BEILLOUIN – CIRAD, HORTYS, Montpellier (France)