[FRB-CESAB] Analyzing ecological network data – 2024
![[FRB-CESAB] Analyzing ecological network data – 2024](https://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/logo-networks_150dpi.png)
The CESAB – Centre for Biodiversity Synthesis and Analysis – and the ANR EcoNet are organizing the first edition of the workshop “Analyzing ecological network data”. The objective of this five-day course is to train young researchers in analyzing ecological network data. The course covers a general introduction to networks, classical metrics (including modularity, nesteness, clustering), null models, generative models (including SBM), multilayer networks, as well as an overview of newer techniques (such as embedding). Each topic is explored through lectures followed by practicals.
The training course, in English, will take place from the 22nd to the 26th of April 2024 at the CESAB in Montpellier. The price is 150 € for the week, including lunches. Travel, accommodation and evening meals are at the expense of the participants.
Thanks for your interest, pre-registrations are now closed.
Please note, the number of participants being limited, acceptance of applications will be confirmed in February.
List of organizers (by alphabetical order):
- Pierre BARBILLON (AgroParisTech, INRAE, MIA Paris Saclay)
- Julien CHIQUET (INRAE, MIA Paris Saclay)
- Sophie DONNET (INRAE, MIA Paris Saclay)
- Sonia KEFI (CNRS, ISEM, Montpellier)
- François MASSOL (CNRS, CIIL, Lille)
- Catherine MATIAS (CNRS, , Paris)
- Sarah OUADAH (AgroParisTech MIA Paris Saclay)
- Stéphane ROBIN (Sorbonne Université, Paris)
- Elisa THEBAULT (CNRS, IEES, Paris)
- Monday 22nd: Introduction (Graphs, what’s a network in ecology?)
- Tuesday 23rd: Advanced metrics and null models (e.g. modularity, nestedness, robustness, clustering)
- Wednesday 24th: Stochastic Block Models
- Thursday 25th: Multilayer networks
- Friday 26th: projects in subgroups