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Project ongoing since 2024


BiodivErsitY predictiONs under Degrowth Scenarios


The BEYONDS project aims to explore the consequences of alternative societal trajectories on biodiversity conservation and to fill a gap in predictive analyses of biodiversity. The project brings together an interdisciplinary working group, essential for studying this complex issue, calling on a combination of expertise and disciplines ranging from conservation biology to ecological economics.


The project will be carried out in two phases :


1) synthesis and selection of existing post-growth scenarios on a macroeconomic scale and of the data produced by these scenarios, and modelling of their impacts, in combination with climate change scenarios, on fine-scale land-use changes at European level over the coming decades,


2) use of biodiversity databases to anticipate the impacts of these land-use changes, in combination with climate change and international trade scenarios, on biodiversity.


Principal investigators:




Post-doctorant :


Stanislas RIGAL (FRA)

ouvrir/fermer Participants :

Sirami Clélia – INRAE, France

Mouysset Lauriane – CNRS, France

Newbold Tim – University College London, UK

Chaudhary Abhishek – Institute of Technology, India

Bommarco Riccardo – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Malek Ziga – University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pereira Laura – University of the Witwatersrand and Stockholm University, South Africa

Fontaine Benoît – MNHN, France

Devictor Vincent – CNRS, France

Peter Guy – iDiv/UFZ, Germany

Calvet Coralie – AgroParisTech, France

Otero Iago – University of Lausanne, Switzerland

The BEYONDS project brings together specialists in agronomy, land-use model development, landscape ecology, environmental and ecological economics, biogeography and large-scale biodiversity modelling using quantitative approaches, conservation and biodiversity monitoring programs, modelling transformative societal change, as well as interdisciplinary researchers across these themes.


BEYONDS was selected from the 2023 call for proposals FRB-MTE-OFB “Anthropogenic pressures and impacts on terrestrial biodiversity “. The project selection process was carried out by a committee of independent experts.