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Pre-proposal deadline 16th July 2020

[Joint call for proposals – FRB-CESAB / ITTECOP]

Territorial approach to biodiversity: transport infrastructures, natural and agricultural environments

[Joint call for proposals – FRB-CESAB / ITTECOP]

The FRB, with the support of ITTECOP programme, call on the scientific community to submit projects to the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB), based on the analysis and synthesis of existing data on the theme “Territorial approach to biodiversity: transport infrastructures, natural and agricultural environments” at a European geographic level.


The projects will call for the analysis of large sets of data for, among others, the following purposes: 


  • Evaluate the impacts of these infrastructures on biodiversity (genetic, specific, functional and ecosystemic), with all taxonomic groups potentially concerned; 
  • Determine how the design of the infrastructure can impact on different facets of biodiversity; 
  • Evaluate how the management of the infrastructure and its “naturalized” part can influence these impacts; 
  • Identify and analyse the economic, socio-technical and political factors that contribute to the deployment of these infrastructures and the extent to which they take biodiversity into account.


 Find here the full description of the call and the appendix


Selected projects:

Two projects were selected by the steering and selection committee.


Inland navigation infrastructures and biodiversity: impacts and opportunities for waterwayscape management

PIs : Alienor JELIAZKOV – INRAE (France) and Jean-Nicolas BEISEL – ENGEES/CNRS (France)


Building a bridge between river corridors, roadsides and field margins: how landscape interactions modulate taxonomic and functional plant diversity

PIs: Eric TABACCHI – CNRS-INEE (France) and Guillaume FRIED – ANSES (France)

Useful information




• Opening of the call:

3rd June 2020


• Pre-Proposal deadline:

16th July, 13:00 CEST


• Invitation to submit a full proposal: 

21st September 2020


• Deadline for proposals: 

12th November 2020, 13:00 CEST 


• Final selection: 

early February 2021