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Does a consensus on biodiversity-friendly practices effectiveness exist ?

No-tillage, field margins, reducing pesticides and drainagewhich practices are the most effective for biodiversity enhancement? You may have part of the answer! 


As part of the discussions during the Conference of the Parties on the Convention on Biological Diversity, in Colombia last November, biodiversity protection and restauration are confronted with financial issues. Furthermore, questions about effectiveness assessment of measures established to restore and maintain biodiversity in a social-ecosystem are also raised.


A scientific consortium composed of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) (The French National Natural History Museum), the Fondation pour la recherché sur la biodiversité (FRB) (French Biodiversity Research Foundation) and Carbone 4 launched, in early 2024, a methodological research project based on biodiversity-friendly practices certification. The assessment of the anticipated biodiversity gains associated with the maintenance or set-up of these practices will be achieved thanks to expert consultation and consensus building.


The scientific consortium has designed a method to assess the biodiversity gains associated with biodiversity-friendly practices using two case-studies: mixed-farming and forestry in temperate areas. The assessment of gains will be reached thanks to a platform developed in order to allow semi-quantitative ranking of the practices relative to each other. A large-scale expert consultation will be launched soon to validate the hypothesis that a sufficiently robust consensus exists in order to publish the first biodiversity-friendly practices’ ranking.


Temperate mixed-farming or forestry associated biodiversity is in your field of expertise?


We invite you to take part in this assessment on biodiversity gains associated with biodiversity-friendly practices.

The more people who contribute, the stronger the results will be!



📆 Save the dates


● 28 & 29 January 2025 : In order to present the project and the method for assessing biodiversity gains, a webinar will be given on January 2025 the 28th at 6pm in English and the 29th at 1pm and 4pm in French (Paris local time, CET). 

Please use the link down below to register to one of these three schedules. 


Join the webinar


Spring 2025 : Call for participation/contribution to the large-scale consultation on mixed-farming and forestry biodiversity-friendly practices gain assessment. 



🔎 More informations about … 


Experts consultation : open to academic and non-academic experts. A particular attention will be given to quantifying the degree of consensus to the underlying assumptions of additivity of the various practices listed and the conditions of validity of associating an average gain in biodiversity with the maintenance and/or implementation of a given practice. A critical analysis of the results from the statistical analysis of the data collected during the study will be carried out, including the profile of the respondents. The whole assessment process will take place on an online platform specifically developed for the matter. It has been specifically designed to provide an easy and fluid experience for the users.  


The project : the scientific consortium is developing a methodology to evaluate biodiversity-friendly practices. Another part of the project is dedicated to mapping the risks, opportunities, and use cases in connection with a certification process. 

The project partners